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I'm Marie.  I live in the beautiful Northern Irish countryside.  I've been a chef for over 30 years and have always had a passion for cooking, however, over the years this has expanded to home baking and cake making.  I believe in using locally sourced ingredients and organic flour from small mills.  They can be more expensive but most definitely worth it.  I hope you enjoy the recipes and a little insight into Irish cooking.

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Apple Turnovers

Hi foodie friends,

I'm sorry it has been a while since my last blog but I have been really busy and as my granny would say,'You have too many pokers in the fire dear' ; so something has to give. During one of these busy days hubby wanted an apple tart and I could have seen it far enough. He is spoilt you know but it's too late to change him now! The thought of having to make the pastry, cook the apples etc just wasn't on my to do list.

I'm not adverse to using ready made ingredients when the occassion calls for it and in my freezer I had some bought ready made puff pastry and some left over cooked apples in a tub. I thought I should do something easy and quick and decided to make apple turnovers or as children we used to call them apple triangles or apple puffs.

My father loved anything with apples and I remember mum would go to the bakery and buy four apple triangles. Now there was six of us in our family so you do the maths. Yes, mum and dad would get a whole one each and I and my three siblings would get a half each! Maybe we were too poor to stretch to six apple triangles, I don't know. I have to say that the apple turnovers we got all those years ago weren't really that good. The pastry was dry and there was more air than apples inside. However, they were an occassional treat and we didn't know any better so we enjoyed them.

Apple turnovers are super easy to make. According to the dictionary, an apple turnover is 'a pastry dessert filled with pieces of sweetened apples'. Simple!

Apple Turnovers

Makes 6

1packet Ready rolled puff pastry

cooked apples

1 beaten egg

castor sugar

Turn oven on to 200 degrees c or 400 degrees f.

Open chilled ready rolled puff pastry and unroll. Cut once down the middle lengthways and then cut across 3 times. You should now have 6 squares. I used some leftover apples from the freezer ( I showed you how I made my apples in a previous blog for apple tart).

You can also use tinned apples; just add sugar to taste. With the beaten egg brush 2 adjacent sides lightly. The apples should always be cold before putting a spoonful in the middle of the pastry squares.

With floured fingers pull on corners across to the opposite corner and pinch together, Then pinch the sides together to keep the filling in. Sometimes it is easier to lift up the triangle to do this.

Line a large swiss roll tin with greaseproof. Place all 6 triangles on the tin and then brush the tops with the beaten egg and then sprinkle quite liberally with castor sugar.

Pierce the top with a fork or a sharp knife a few times. This lets the steam out when they rise and prevents them from bursting open. Bake 25-30 mins or until risen and golden brown.

You can also add a pinch or two of cinnamon to the apples and soft brown sugar instead of white sugar for variety you wish.

They are lovely eaten warm with whipped or ice-cream as you bite through the light crisp puff pastry and warm sweet apples.

Enjoy this old school recipe! x

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